Ben’s First Birthday: A Backyard Adventure!!

DIY, events

I am so excited to share with you the first birthday party that I threw for my son! I feel like this is the party that every mom dreams of the day their firstborn enters into the world.  I’m not going to lie…I went above and beyond while trying to do a lot of DIY and trying to stay within a budget (after all, I’m throwing a party for a one year old who won’t even remember or appreciate this AND we’re not made of money). I did months of planning and crafting and figuring out how to cut costs but not sacrifice the style and look of the party. All in all, this was exhausting friends! I think for my next kid’s first birthday party, I might just get Little Caesar’s take out pizza and slap on a movie and just call it a day! But I really am so excited to share with you all the crafts that I did and if this helps you in your party planning than that makes what I did worth it even more!  Hope you have as much fun looking at these pictures as we did at the party!!

This handmade teepee was a pride and joy of a creation of me and my husband. I love that he was able to put all those tools in his garage into good use and built this magnificent 10 foot teepee.  To buy a dowel this thick at Home Depot was $10 a piece and to build this teepee would have cost us well over $80 so he thought of taking some 4 x 6s and cutting this into the width he wanted and took his round router bit to make it round all around. And of course I had to top it off with a floral garland that lasted a week!!

This handmade teepee was a pride and joy of a creation of me and my husband. I love that he was able to put all those tools in his garage into good use and built this magnificent 10 foot teepee. To buy a dowel this thick at Home Depot was $10 a piece and to build this teepee would have cost us well over $80 so he thought of taking some 4 x 6s and cutting this into the width he wanted and took his round router bit to make it round all around. And of course I had to top it off with a floral garland that lasted a week!!

Motherhood is…

events, lifestyle

Last year I was so privileged to have experienced my first Mother’s Day.  Since then, it’s been quite the journey.  Motherhood has been redefined to me differently as I go through different stages of growth as a parent and watching my son go through his different stages of development this past year. It’s been a whirlwind of a year and I am so grateful for every moment of it. I have to say that Motherhood has changed me for the better.  It has taught me how to be a better daughter to my own mother, wife to my husband, and friend to my friends. It has given me a compassion that I’ve never felt before and I can only say it is a small glimpse of Christ’s compassion and love for us. Motherhood has helped me understand Grace in a whole other level. Motherhood.


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I wanted to share a few of my friends who I happened to do beautiful flower crowns for but really I wanted to feature them because I look up to them as mothers.  There’s a ton of other moms out there that I look up to and I wish I can feature them ALL but for now, here are 5 ladies that are remarkable and who find the time to balance their work/mom life to always put their children, husbands and Jesus in the center of their lives.  I feel so honored to be a part of their precious pictures through these floral crowns. Although these women don’t know each other, what they all have in common is motherhood. They understand the pain, the joy, the worry, the love of a parent. So I asked them all a simple question of what motherhood meant to them. As I read each one’s answers it brought silent tears.  Because I understand.  I get it. But also because their love for their cubs are so fierce and pure.